Pavel Krasheninnikov presented a book about the historical turn of 1917-1922
The RUSSIA EXPO hosted a presentation of the book
"Horsemen of the Apocalypse. History of the State and Law of Soviet Russia
1917-1922" written by Pavel Krasheninnikov, a politician, famous lawyer
and professor.
The author introduces readers to little-known historical
facts and previously unpublished archival documents, clearly builds a chain of
events that led to the collapse of the monarchy and historical cataclysms.
The book "Horsemen of the Apocalypse. History of the
State and Law of Soviet Russia 1917-1922" is the fifth one in a series
published by the author. In the previous books, he tells about the emergence
and development of the Russian state and law from the tribal unions of ancient
Rus' to the beginning of the XX century.
"This is already my fifth book published together with
the Eksmo publishing house. In this book I handle the material through the
characters of John the Theologian, show what is happening through the Four
Horsemen of the Apocalypse - Plague, War, Famine and Death, and how society
experienced it all," emphasized Pavel Krasheninnikov.
He also touched on the topic of the next book in the series.
"Each of my books is a continuation of the previous
one. If there is information and documents, I expect to focus the next book on
the period from 1923 to 1938," Pavel Krasheninnikov said.
Candidate of Historical Sciences and Doctor of Law,
Professor Sergei Stepashin, Director of the National Center for Historical
Memory under the President of Russia Elena Malysheva, publicist Yegor
Kholmogorov, blogger, TV presenter Ruslan Ostashko and editor-in-chief of
Readovka Alexei Kostylev also took part in the presentation of the book.
"This is a very interesting book. I am lucky - I read
all of Pavel's books in primary sources, while they were still manuscripts. I
recommend to read this book - it is the elimination of a serious gap in the
history of our country. Besides, Pavel Krasheninnikov writes at the
intersection of history and law. The book has a good literary language, good
images, characters. It is a kind of literary documentary," Stepashin said.
Sergei Vadimovich also noted that the period of 1917-1922 should
be discussed more often with the younger generation of Russians.
"This book is only the first step in this direction.
Our President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin said for the first time, very
carefully, but with bitterness: what is happening now between Russia and
Ukraine is very similar to the Civil War. Of course, we need to talk about this
period. But to talk honestly," added Sergei Stepashin.
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