Inventing the Future

Reasons for pride in the past and grounds for confidence in the present: Experts on the Days of Regions of the Northwestern Federal District

Reasons for pride in the past and grounds for confidence in the present: Experts on the Days of Regions of the Northwestern Federal District
Expo News
Photo: Maxim Blinov/RIA News

The Days of Regions of the Northwestern Federal District have come to an end at the RUSSIA EXPO. According to experts, the regions of the Northwest demonstrate consolidation and development in accordance with the country’s priorities and the instructions of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Without exception, all regional heads spoke about the personal attention of the head of state and his support for key projects.

The subjects of the NWFD keep a high pace of development in the interests of their residents and demonstrate a high level of socio-economic stability. There are serious advances in the mechanical engineering industry. In addition, the NWFD makes a great contribution to the country’s defense capability and achievement of the Special Military Operation goals. According to the decree of the President of Russia, the Obukhov plant in St. Petersburg is included in the list of strategic enterprises of the country, which ensures uninterrupted work on the production of equipment for missile systems, as well as up to 3 thousand reconnaissance drones per month to work in the SMO zone.

Ilya Strelkov, head of the Expert Club: Pskov Region, spoke about the identity and attractiveness of the Pskov region.

"The Pskov region really has a lot to be proud of. It is not only the rich historical heritage of the ancient Russian land and Orthodox culture, but also modern cultural events and investment projects. The regions' stands also displayed future development plans. For example, searching for and attracting new investment partners. The Pskov region is getting rid of the stereotype of a 'depressive region' and is starting a new stage of its socio-economic development", — the expert noted.

Daria Kislitsyna, Director of the Department for Work with Regions of EISR, member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, said that the Days of Regions is a format that has, among other things, an educational mission, and the subjects of the NWFD were able to clearly highlight this aspect.

"The Days of the Northwestern Federal District at the International RUSSIA EXPO for me personally turned out to be about the inspiration of the unknown. For example, at the Day of Karelia, from the speech of the Head of the Republic Artur Parfenchikov it was possible to learn that the region has preserved unique traditions of wooden shipbuilding, and that in The Lord of the Rings there are references to the Karelian-Finnish epic Kalevala. And the regions have also managed to find a balance between reasons for pride in the past and grounds for confidence in the present", — she added.

Political consultant Vladimir Lubyanko noted that the Northwest is an important outpost of Russia for the development of priority areas, including the Arctic.

"Of the notable major projects that were highlighted, I would like to mention the center for localization of world-class technology for the production of NOVATEK’s liquefied natural gas in the Murmansk region, this is a unique project that involves almost 20,000 people. Liquefied natural gas in the current political environment is the key to Russia’s flexibility and success in the hydrocarbon markets", — said Lubyanko.

The Days of Regions of the Central Federal District continue at the International RUSSIA EXPO, and after their completion the industry days will begin, where one can learn about the achievements and results of the country’s development in industry, agriculture, science and other spheres.

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