Inventing the Future

Dear – Loved Ones: the secrets of family happiness discussed at the RUSSIA EXPO

Dear – Loved Ones: the secrets of family happiness discussed at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Press service of the Russian Society "Knowledge"

Successful balancing of motherhood and career, intergenerational traditions, choice of profession - these and other topics were in the center of attention of the participants of the All-Russian Family Forum Dear – Loved Ones, which opened the Year of the Family, at the Knowledge.Lecture Hall at the RUSSIA EXPO. Lectures and interviews with famous speakers, masterclasses, intellectual and creative contests, games and quizzes were held for families on the platforms of the Knowledge.Lecture Hall.

It is possible to join in and feel the atmosphere of the forum from any corner of the country - the brightest events are available to the public on the air of Knowledge.TV. You can register for the events on the website.

One of the first guests of Knowledge.Lecture Hall was a Soviet and Russian doctor-cardiac surgeon, inventor, president of the A.N. Bakulev Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, President of the League of Nation's Health, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Leo Bokeria.

The eminent doctor shared the principles and rules of healthy family relations, talked about everyday life, leisure time with his wife, building trusting relationships with his daughters - the successors of the medical dynasty. According to Leo Antonovich, in family life, the primacy belongs to the woman - she bears the brunt of worries, but the man must provide financially for the family, and it is better if the family has many children.

Photo: Press service of the Russian Society "Knowledge"

"If we are talking about a family, about a man and a woman who are married, the main rule is mutual understanding, and that will be absolutely enough," Leo Antonovich said. "If you love a person, trust them, if you have synchronicity in almost everything, it is the basis of a strong family. I can confirm this on my own example, on the example of our daughters' families, for whom my wife and I may have served as a model. I think that there is no need to create anything artificial in a family - if you do not understand something, try to understand it yourself first, if you cannot understand it, ask your spouse - this is the closest person. You don't need to complicate things. You have chosen your companion and be kind enough to find the philosophy that will answer all your questions".

Anna Kuznetsova, Deputy Speaker of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, touched upon the pressing topic of balancing motherhood and career. According to the deputy speaker, no matter how much time a mother devotes to her children, it will always seem to her that this time is not enough. 

"It is important to cultivate in children the will, inner strength, the ability to say "stop" to themselves, to teach them to prioritize: this is fleeting, and the next step is for long time. This is important for us and for our children, it is a way to live, to be happy and successful," Anna Kuznetsova added.

Photo: Press service of the Russian Society "Knowledge"

Answering the presenter's question about what every mom should be able to do, Anna Kuznetsova emphasized - to trust her heart. According to her, times are different, but true values - we hear them with our heart - pass through the centuries and remain unbreakable.

"The main thing is to hear your heart, it is the navigator that will lead you to the right decision, which will be more useful for your children," summed up the vice-speaker and mother of seven children.

Several famous Russian dynasties spoke at the family forum in the Lecture Halls of the "Knowledge" Society. One of them is the Smilevsky theater family. The ones that told about the combination of family life and work in the theater were: Georgy Smilevsky, People's Artist of Russia, premier and teacher-rehearser of the ballet company of the Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theater, and his wife, People's Artist of Russia, former prima ballerina of the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theater, Natalia Krapivina, as well as one of their three children, Dmitry Smilevski, premier of the Bolshoi Ballet Company. Georgy comes from Bulgaria, at the age of 10 he entered a choreographic school there, and as the best candidate he was sent to study under an exchange program at the Moscow Academy of Choreography, where he met Natalia. The spouses have been together for 30 years, working in the same theater, and their grown-up son Dmitry works in the theater on the next street. According to the Smilevski couple, it was ballet that helped them build their family and at the same time develop in their profession, and their relatives supported them in raising their children.

Alina Kontareva, founder and president of the MultiMama Center for Assistance to Large Families, Natalia Moskvitina, president of the Women for Life Charitable Foundation to Support Families, Motherhood and Childhood, and Tatiana Sorokina, Russia's most famous mother with many children, who has raised 83 children, discussed how attitudes towards large families are changing through the lens of demographic challenges and trends. Speaking at the discussion, the mother of many children shared her unique personal experience and emphasized how valuable it is to be part of a large family, to rejoice in the successes of relatives, to overcome difficulties together and to look confidently to the future.

Photo: Press service of the Russian Society "Knowledge"

The family forum also focused on intergenerational continuity as a pledge of leaders' education, modern professions and information technologies, housing construction for Russian families, genealogy and family history, and much more. Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture Andrey Bazilevsky, Chairman of the Public Council at the Russian Ministry of Construction Sergey Stepashin, Russian test cosmonaut, Hero of Russia Oleg Artemyev, CEO of Sitronics Space Nikolay Sevastyanov, Director of the Advisory Center DOM.RF Mikhail Kovalev, Executive Director of the Union of Fathers of Russia Alexander Zaremba, President of NOTIM Mikhail Viktorov, Director General of the Concern MonArch LLC Sergey Ambartsumyan, and others shared their thoughts, personal experience and knowledge on the platforms of the Knowledge.Lecture Hall.

Pavilion No. 57 hosted a round table organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation with the participation of Deputy Minister Olga Petrova - the participants discussed the organization of work with young student families in universities.

Also on January 20, with the support of the Russian Society "Knowledge", the first presentations of the families participating in the contest Dynasties of Russia in the nomination Jack of All Trades took place. Teams from all over Russia learned national dances, calligraphy, pop vocals, playing spoons, creating souvenirs from fish skin and weaving dream catchers.

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