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"The Russian Internet is absolutely secure": Alexander Khinshtein answered questions at the RUSSIA EXPO

"The Russian Internet is absolutely secure": Alexander Khinshtein answered questions at the RUSSIA EXPO
Photo: Russian Society "Knowledge"

Alexander Khinshtein, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, discussed how the digital space is developing and our country's information shield is being strengthened with participants in the lecture hall of the "Knowledge" Society at the International RUSSIA EXPO.

He emphasized that we live in an era of serious digital changes, and it is no longer possible to imagine our reality without technological capabilities and information technologies. People spend as much time in the online space as they do in the offline environment.

"We need to perceive this reality adequately and, among other things, change approaches to it legislatively. This is what the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications is engaged in, and it is in this direction of bridging, docking offline and online reality and legislation that we are engaged in. This is, in fact, our main task," emphasized Alexander Khinshtein.

When asked about the timeframe for the formation of Russia's digital sovereignty, Alexander Khinshtein said that it already exists. Today, legislation and state policy in this sphere are aimed at creating the contour of our security.

"First of all, today the Russian Internet is absolutely secure and autonomous. This is what the laws adopted back in 2017-2018 were aimed at. Many criticized these initiatives, saying that Russia was going the way of North Korea or China, that we were closing ourselves off from the outside world, but time has shown the rightness of the decisions made then. Today we are technologically capable of providing our own autonomous Internet. And if tomorrow, figuratively speaking, we were to be disconnected from the world's switch, nothing would threaten us, because, also figuratively speaking, we have our own generator, and not just one. Thanks to the system created today, banned sites are blocked, the distribution of protected information is limited, and in this sense, digital sovereignty clearly exists," the speaker emphasized.

Photo: Russian Society "Knowledge"

Alexander Khinshtein also added that with the start of the special military operation the course on import substitution in all spheres, and primarily in IT, was taken as systematically and extensively as possible, in most areas Russia is already quite independent.

"Today, 97 percent of products in the field of information security are domestic developments. This work will continue, we need to fully have our own product range and replace it in all areas, from hardware to software. Not because we want to separate from anyone, and not because we are building our own internal world and trying to close the borders. We do this so that if the switch is turned off, we can always use our own technologies and not be hostages in the hands of others," commented Alexander Khinshtein.

The speaker talked about the active development of Russian media platforms and the rapid growth in the number of users. For example, the audience of RuTube has grown 13 times recently! The participants of the meeting asked what kind of support Russian companies receive in the IT sphere. Alexander Khinshtein noted that assistance is provided on a large scale, and it is done systematically.

"Today the state provides a huge amount of assistance to the IT sector. The level of support measures, which began to be implemented since the pandemic, is not comparable with any other sector of the economy. Of course, support measures for other areas are also in place, and they need to be expanded. It is not by chance that in the last Presidential Address the theme of digitalization, new technological realities was given such great attention," the speaker stressed.

In conclusion, the statesman answered the question about the training of personnel for IT companies. The speaker noted that the state not only pays great attention to the development of IT directions in universities, but also introduces courses in robotics, as well as provides an opportunity to retrain for free in one of the in-demand IT specialties.

"IT companies are often reproached that they are only willing to hire experienced specialists. Indeed, such a problem does exist. I see the solution in establishing close ties between universities and the industry. For example, at the Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, as well as at one of the universities of the Ministry of Digital Development, we have established cooperation with the Russian Post, Rostelecom, Yandex, and created a polygon on countering cyber threats, where students solve tasks that are as close to practice as possible. I believe that universities should produce practitioners rather than theorists, and then young specialists will have no problems with employment," explained Alexander Khinshtein.

The educational week "Achievements of Russia" runs until March 17 inclusive. Representatives of federal agencies, public organizations, mass media, cultural and artistic figures, sportsmen act as lecturers at VDNH venues.

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