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Sergei Kravtsov supported the proposal to hold an annual All-Russian contest "Methodological Team of the Year"

Sergei Kravtsov supported the proposal to hold an annual All-Russian contest "Methodological Team of the Year"

More than 450 people took part in the All-Russian forum of methodologists. It was held in Pavilion No. 57 of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation at the "Knowledge.Lecture Hall" platform of the Russian Society "Knowledge" - the general partner of the educational program of the International RUSSIA EXPO. The forum participants discussed current issues of the development of methodological services, organization of educational work, as well as the introduction of the subjects "Labour" ("Arts and Crafts") and "Basics of Safety and Defence of the Motherland".

"Today we are holding a very significant forum. The task of a methodologist is to accompany the educational process in schools, to guide teachers not only within the framework of professional development, but also during daily work. Today methodological services are in high demand in the conditions of transition to unified federal educational programs," said the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Sergei Kravtsov.

He reminded that unified state textbooks on history for high school classes have been introduced into the educational process, and unified textbooks on other subjects are being prepared. Sergei Kravtsov emphasized that the introduction of new textbooks also requires serious methodological support. He added that it is necessary to conduct explanatory work with the teaching staff on the use of the service FSIS "My School", implementation of educational and vocational guidance work.

Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education Olga Kazakova noted that during the adoption of changes in the education system the role of methodologists cannot be overestimated.

"From September 1, new subjects "Labour" ("Arts and Crafts") and "Basics of Safety and Defence of the Motherland" will appear in schools, and teachers have a great demand for methodological assistance in this regard. Practical solutions are required from methodologists. In addition, each particular school and class has its own situations, and we must be assistants in all matters. The fact that parents are counting on you today is a sign of great confidence in the teaching community as a whole," she said.

During the event the methodologists asked the Minister of Education about the possibility of continuing the All-Russian contest " Methodological Team of the Year", which was held for the first time this year. Sergei Kravtsov noted that the competition will become an annual event. The forum participants also discussed with the head of the Ministry of Education strategic directions for the development of methodological services in Russia and changes in the number of hours for teaching social studies and history.

In the format of panel discussions, the forum participants discussed regional experience in organizing scientific and methodological support for the introduction of innovations in education. The topics of discussion included the issues of historical education and the tasks of methodological services in the context of preserving and strengthening the worldview and technological sovereignty of our country, as well as the traditions of Russian language teaching and innovations in this area.
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