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The patriotic radio station "Glory" celebrated its first anniversary at the National Centre RUSSIA

The patriotic radio station "Glory" celebrated its first anniversary at the National Centre RUSSIA
Photo: Press Office of the National Centre RUSSIA

The federal patriotic "Radio Glory" ("Gordost") marked its anniversary at the National Centre RUSSIA, which was established by order of the President of the Russian Federation. The radio station was created with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives and the Nikolai Rastorguyev Foundation.

One of the main gifts for the event's guests was a performance by the band LUBE, led by the creator and ideological inspirer of "Radio Glory," People's Artist of Russia Nikolai Rastorguyev

Photo: Press Office of the National Centre RUSSIA

"Patriotic radio stations are always relevant in any country. I congratulate 'Radio Glory' on its anniversary. This is probably the first and only patriotic radio station where songs by young artists are played. We provide them with a platform, a pathway to promote their wonderful works. May they continue to create," said Nikolai Rastorguyev.

Deputy Head of the Presidential Directorate for Public Projects Alexander Zhuravsky noted that the radio station meets the public demand for patriotism, the preservation of centuries-old national values, and pride in Russia’s great achievements and victories.

"What is especially important is that 'Radio Glory' has given young, talented artists the opportunity to present their work to the entire country. They are allocated a quarter of the airtime. We will continue to support 'Radio Glory.' I am confident that its audience will grow, and we will hear many new and bright names on its waves," said Alexander Zhuravsky

Photo: Press Office of the National Centre RUSSIA

Currently, "Radio Glory" broadcasts in 47 regions of Russia and reaches an audience of more than 60 million people.

"It is very important for us that our partners, our friends — 'Radio Glory' — are celebrating their first anniversary right here, at the National Centre RUSSIA. We are on the same 'wavelength' — a wavelength of love for our Motherland and pride in its achievements. And we share a common goal — to inspire love for Russia. I hope that the radio station will continue to grow and develop, and that we will celebrate its next anniversary together once again," said Anastasia Zvyagina, Deputy Director General of the National Centre RUSSIA. 

Photo: Press Office of the National Centre RUSSIA

The concert and musical marathon "All OURS" also featured well-known artists and young performers with an active patriotic stance, whose songs are regularly played on the station’s airwaves. Among them were Anna May, Margarita Adyasova, Alexander Dobronravov, Alexander Stepanov (ST), Mara, Chapaev, the Children's Variety Choir " Glory," the Grand Children's Choir named after V. S. Popov under the direction of Anatoly Kislyakov, and many others.

More photos at the link.

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