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12 flagship schools with advanced teaching technologies will be established in Russia

12 flagship schools with advanced teaching technologies will be established in Russia

Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Sergei Kravtsov spoke at the plenary session in Pavilion No. 75 of the International RUSSIA EXPO within the framework of the Day of National Priorities "Youth and Children: Education". He spoke about plans to implement the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation voiced in his Address to the Federal Assembly.

"After the Address to the Federal Assembly, together with the regions, teachers, we are discussing how to realize the messages that the President conveyed in practice. In the Address, a lot of attention was paid to education issues," stated Sergei Kravtsov.

The head of the Ministry of Education of Russia said that three new national projects are being formed in the country, which will have connections to the sphere of education: the project "Family", which will include a program of modernization of kindergartens, the project "Personnel", dedicated to the training of specialists in the system of secondary vocational and higher education, and "Youth and Children".

"It is planned that the national project "Youth and Children" will combine the issues of education and infrastructure, as well as include the education of a harmonious personality, a patriot, a person who respects his small and big Motherland, who knows his history and culture, respects his loved ones," emphasized Sergei Kravtsov.

The Minister of Education said that according to the instructions of the head of state, the creation of a sovereign education system will continue. The sovereign education system includes unified federal programs, unified state textbooks, a unified system of education and extracurricular activities. In addition, its components include a unified information system FSIS "My School", unified approaches to professional development of teachers and methodologists, to the organization of supplementary education and children's recreation.

Andrei Nikolaev, Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation, elaborated on the renovation of the educational infrastructure. He reminded that the President made decisions not only to extend and expand the program of major school overhaul, but also to launch similar large-scale programs of overhaul of kindergartens and colleges, to upgrade the infrastructure of pedagogical universities, and to create a network of 12 advanced flagship schools. The instructions also concerned the implementation of a number of other activities and initiatives directly or indirectly related to education.

Andrei Nikolaev informed that more than 317 billion rubles will be allocated for the implementation of the program of major school overhaul, which will make it possible to repair almost 9.5 thousand school buildings in 2025-2030 in addition to 7.3 thousand schools, which will be covered by the current program until 2026. Also, within the framework of the National Project at least 150 new schools will be built in those municipalities where there is the greatest shortage of seats, for which 210 billion rubles will be allocated.

In addition, at least 12 flagship schools with cutting-edge technologies in infrastructure and education will be built in all federal districts by 2030, for which at least 38 billion rubles will be allocated from the federal budget.

After the presentations, the representatives of the Ministry of Education of Russia answered the questions of the plenary session participants. Students of pedagogical universities asked about the infrastructure and content of school education, about the opportunities they will have when they join schools in urban and rural areas. They were also interested in the development of teacher education and projects of interaction between pedagogical students from different regions.
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