Hold your breath: The most complicated vocal technique was demonstrated at the RUSSIA EXPO
the murmuring of a mountain stream, singing of birds and the creaking of a
saddle with the power of your voice alone. Only khoomeiji - throat singing
artists - are capable of this. Their performance immerses you in a trance and
takes you to other worlds.
On the Day
of the Republic of Tuva, legendary artists Bady-Dorzhu Ondar, Ayan-ool Sam and
Ayan Shirizhik delivered a lecture. Visitors to the exposition were told about
the basic techniques of throat singing. For example, khoomei reproduces the
blowing of the wind in the rocks, sygyt is whistling and crying, and the most
difficult kargyraa is growling with lower vibration of the voice.
The guests
were familiarized with folk instruments, which are still made in accordance
with almost all ancient canons: from leather, horsehair and red larch.
The artists
performed several solo and joint numbers, sang ditties and folk songs, imitated
the sounds of nature and hit incredibly low notes to the delight of the
audience. Not surprisingly, it is the Tuvan khoomeiji, known all over the
world, who are considered to be the leading masters of throat singing. However,
art requires sacrifice.
For a professional artist, throat singing is the hardest labor and a real test of body and spirit. Some of the most difficult styles of throat singing can cause irreversible changes in the body. All because of the incredible strain on the internal organs and the long delay of breathing. It is for a good reason that the initiative on early retirement for khoomeiji has been discussed in the artistic community for many years. For example, in Mongolia such a bill has been passed long ago.
But at the amateur level, anyone can try their hand at throat singing. If practiced under the guidance of a professional, it will not only be safe, but even beneficial for the cardiovascular system and contribute to spiritual enlightenment.
Every Monday, the National Centre RUSSIA holds a technical maintenance day.
Another session of the Young Guide School took place at the National Centre RUSSIA.
On March 9, the National Centre RUSSIA hosted the open lesson "The Workshop of Colors."