The Ministry of Digital Development
The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media. We promote IT technologies, ensure stable communications and make life easier for millions of people every day
The Ministry of Digital Development creates convenient digital services for citizens and businesses, ensures that Russia's most remote towns and villages have stable communications, supports the work of the mass media and stimulates the development of the IT industry. In 2009, the Ministry launched the Gosuslugi (State Services) portal, which is now used by more than 100 million Russians. All schools in the country are already connected to high-speed Internet, and hundreds of thousands of students enroll in universities for IT professions every year.
Audio Guides
Аудиогид экспозиции «Мир цифры»
9 minutes 59 seconds
Аудиогид экспозиции «Мир цифры»
Interesting Facts
Cinema evening "Thank You for Being a Family" will be held in the "World of Digital" pavilion
On July 8, on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, in the Wink cinema hall, the "World of Digital" exposition team will reminisce about the most memorable moments of creating the pavilion and its operation.
Filming of cinematic revelations about the family began at the RUSSIA EXPO
In the Year of the Family, Rostelecom launched a social movie project “Because We Are Family” to support all the invisible heroes of their own families who have stories to tell and things to share. The filming of their stories will last until July 4.
Because we are family: Rostelecom launches a social movie project
In the Year of the Family, Rostelecom launches a new social movie project “Because We Are Family”. The main characters will be ordinary people who will tell the innermost things about themselves and their families.