Inventing the Future

Opening hours:
Tue-Sun from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m
14 Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment, Moscow

Tambov region

The Tambov region is in the center of Russia! Come and see the landmarks and symbols of the Tambov region and get to know it better.
The Tambov region exposition stand presents the history, most important achievements and sights of the region. The stand consists of multimedia constructions and honeycombs depicting symbols of the Tambov region, there is a photo zone for visitors there.
In the center of the exposition there is an improvised stage with an art object - a family of wolves, an exact copy of the monument to the famous Tambov wolves in the center of the capital of the region. In the left part of the exposition there is a children's corner with animators and touch panels with entertaining information.
LED screens broadcast the achievements of the region. The exposition has electronic music keys that can be played by moving on them.
On the right side of the exposition there is a table in the shape of a map of the Tambov region with three-dimensional tourist objects.
Photo: Government of the Tambov region
Photo: Government of the Tambov region
Photo: Government of the Tambov region

Audio Guides

Аудиогид Тамбовской области
6 minutes 29 seconds
Аудиогид Тамбовской области
Hello everyone I am Dmitry "Lyusek" Sorokin – Comedy Club resident! Welcome to the Tambov region! I invite you right now to take a trip to an environmentally friendly, surprisingly hospitable region! A region of provincial comfort, wonderful music, interesting architecture, delicious dishes and unforgettable impressions. Let's go! Pay attention to the electronic keys that meet you at our booth. Boldly walk on them: create your own melody or perform a fragment of one of the works of famous composers of Tambov. In 2023 the whole world celebrates the 150th anniversary of Sergei Rachmaninoff, the great Russian musician. His work is inextricably linked with the Tambov village of Ivanovka, where the estate museum is located - the center of the musical and cultural life of Russia. International music festivals are held annually in Ivanovka. The famous Russian composer and theatrical figure Alexey Verstovsky created his works in the Seliverstovo estate, and the brilliant Pyotr Tchaikovsky called his residence in the village of Usovo a wonderful place for creativity, where the power of his talent turned a small village pond into an immortal «Swan lake». Ilya Shatrov, the author of the popular waltz "On the Hills of Manchuria", and Vasily Agapkin, the creator of the legendary march "Farewell of Slavianka”, lived and worked in Tambov. Monuments to them were erected by grateful descendants. The Tambov land gave inspiration not only to musicians. The names of great Russian poets and writers are associated with the Tambov region. Yevgeny Baratynsky was born in Kirsanovsky district, Gavriil Derzhavin ruled the Tambov viceroyalty by decree of Catherine II. Few people know that one of Alexander Pushkin's ancestors was a Tambov voivode, and the poet's wife Natalia Goncharova was born in the village of Karian-Stroganovo of the Tambov province. Mikhail Lermontov's poem "Tambov Treasurer" colorfully describes the city's sights and customs of that time. Ivan Turgenev's estates were located in the Tambov province, Maxim Gorky worked at the railway station, Vladimir Gilyarovsky served in the Tambov Drama Theater, and Andrey Platonov was in charge of the reclamation sub-department of the Tambov Provincial Land Administration. We find references to Tambov in the works of Alexander Serafimovich, Boris Pasternak, Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Osip Mandelstam after treatment in the Tambov cardiological sanatorium fell in love with the Russian winter and wrote the following lines: "At night I drove into Rukavichny, Snow - covered Tambov, I saw the ordinary Tsna-river – Covered white with snow " Let's move on! Closer to the center of the exposition there are figures of Tambov wolves - the most famous symbols of the region. The well-known phrase "The Tambov wolf is your comrade!" was presented to the country in 1955 by the film "The Rumyantsev Case", but in fact the Tambov citizens are friendly, welcoming and responsive. In confirmation to this the poet Sergei Frolov wrote: "Don't you believe in these fairy tales, When you give people a heart, The Tambov wolf is not a beast to you, The Tambov wolf is your comrade!" Have you heard the song "The boy wants to go to Tambov"? Of course! Everyone knows it! So - planes fly to Tambov and trains go! It's only one-hour flight from Moscow to Tambov! And, of course, you can comfortably get to Tambov by train, bus or car. But you won't need any transport today! The exposition stand is equipped with modern interactive panels, maps and screens. Come closer and touch the history and culture of the Tambov region. On the central screens you will see the most beautiful places and unique nature. This is a combination of northern forests and European taiga; taiga and steppe plants and animals. And now let's go to the honeycombs to the right and left of the musical keyboard. This form is not accidental – a beehive and three bees above it are depicted on the coat of arms of the Tambov region. They are symbols of hard work and long traditions of beekeeping. Come to the traditional honey fair in August and try the great quality and variety of flavors of Tambov honey. The Tambov region is recognized as the leader of the country's environmental rating, and is also called one of the leading agricultural regions of Russia: a record harvest of wheat and corn, sunflower and sugar beet, soybeans, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and berries is harvested here. Tambov potatoes are fragrant, crumbly, tasty and healthy. A wonderful side dish to Tambov ham – the main delicacy among all smoked meats and the pride of Russian cuisine. And for the dessert we offer Michurinsk apples - these are dozens of varieties known throughout the country and abroad, bred by the great scientist Ivan Michurin. Have you noticed the openwork installations inside the honeycomb? On the right there are the most famous sights - the Bell Tower of the Kazan Monastery 107 meters high, the pedestrian Tezikov Bridge with a triumphal staircase and the river Embankment overlooking the Aseev House Museum. On the left – figures of great Tambov countrymen, the pride of the Tambov region. By the way – honeycombs create the 3D effect, it will look cool in the photo! Have you taken a selfie yet? Then let's move on! In the right part of the exposition there is a table-map of the Tambov region with three-dimensional images of the main tourist sites. Are you tired? Have some rest then! Do you see cozy tables and poufs? This is a place for workshops, classes, meetings and rest. On the left side of the exposition stand there is a children's zone, animators work here, and there is also a touch panel with a game, coloring books and entertainment. I am sure you will also like the retractable tactile panels with interesting information. I think I managed to tell you about the most important aspects about the Tambov region? It's cool here, isn't it? I hope you liked our interactive excursion and are already thinking about your trip to Tambov?! The Tambov region is a real pearl in the heart of Russia! Come and see, hear, feel and try it. We will share our love for our small homeland. Welcome to the hospitable Tambov land!

Interesting Facts



Tambov region's New Year tree: Tambov wolf and unusual embroidery

The main element of the New Year decoration of the region's fir tree are embroidery and ornaments, which are presented in the form of real products of the region's craftsmen, on dolls in traditional outfits, on mittens, and also on stylized garlands.

Uvarovo residents told about the achievements their region can be proud of

Voting for the best regional projects continues on the "Achievements.RF" website. The Tambov region has submitted 19 nominees.

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