Inventing the Future

Opening hours:
Tue-Sun from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m
14 Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment, Moscow

The "Journey Across Russia" exposition will showcase country’s multinational cuisine

The "Journey Across Russia" exposition will showcase country’s multinational cuisine

The large-scale project "Journey Across Russia" will launch at the National Centre RUSSIA on March 1. Visitors will explore the landmarks, achievements, and natural beauty of the country's eight federal districts.

A unique section of the exposition will be the gastronomic space "Journey Across Russia. Food," showcasing the country's diverse cuisine. Covering 2,000 square meters, it will feature four themed areas: "East" and "North," "West" and "South." Guests of the National Centre RUSSIA will have the opportunity to sample signature dishes from Russia's tourist regions, the most popular festival specialties, traditional national cuisine, delicacies with history, and innovative creations from chefs across the country all in one place. The menu will include breakfasts, lunches, tasting snacks, desserts, pastries, and more.

On the stage of the "Journey Across Russia. Food" area, there will be performances, tastings of Russian regional products, culinary master classes under the theme "Learning Russia’s Culinary Language," and festivals.

In the first months of the "Journey Across Russia" exposition, guests will be able to sample pelmeni (dumplings) from various Russian ethnic groups. They will learn about the secrets of making pelmeni with Kamchatka crab or venison, as well as the history of traditional Buryat buuz and how to distinguish them from another dish, byoregi. Throughout the duration of the gastronomic space operation, visitors will continue to explore dishes from different national cuisines of Russia.

Possibly interesting
Science fiction in real life was discussed at the National Centre RUSSIA

The meeting "Literary Club. Paradoxes of the Fantastic and the Real," dedicated to science fiction, was held on February 20 at the National Centre RUSSIA. 

Architect Andrei Chernikhov unveiled the main idea behind the "Birth of Scale" exposition

On March 1, the National Centre RUSSIA will host the opening of the "Birth of Scale" exposition, dedicated to Russian architecture and urban planners. 

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