Inventing the Future

Krasnodar region showcased its experience in developing new types of tourism at the RUSSIA EXPO in Moscow

Krasnodar region showcased its experience in developing new types of tourism at the RUSSIA EXPO in Moscow
Expo News
Photo: Press Office of the Krasnodar Region Administration

At the International RUSSIA EXPO, the Days of Regional Development for the Azov-Black Sea macroregion were held. Topics discussed included the modern hospitality industry and the functioning of the cluster.

Mikhail Zaritsky, Acting Minister of Resorts, Tourism and Olympic Heritage of the region, shared insights on organizing recreation in the Krasnodar region with his colleagues.

"Last year, we welcomed 18.6 million guests, a historic record for the region. However, the tourist flow is unevenly distributed. To optimize traffic and balance the load on infrastructure throughout all 12 months, we need to diversify the tourism product. We already have experience in this area. We have started developing hiking tourism and have revived and improved dozens of routes over just a few years. Now the region has over 200 such routes with a total length of more than four thousand kilometers. This year, we will increase the length by another 500 kilometers. Wine tourism has also become a growth point. Over ten years, the number of wineries that welcome guests has grown sixfold, now totaling 30. The overall attendance of these locations in 2023 increased fivefold, exceeding one million people," said Mikhail Zaritsky.

Now, almost half of the tourists visiting Kuban choose to travel in winter and the off-season. The topic of year-round recreation is relevant for all regions of Southern Russia. There are common tasks that require joint solutions.

Heads of industry departments from the Azov-Black Sea tourism cluster regions signed a multilateral cooperation agreement. An interregional tourist route will be created.
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