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RUSSIA EXPO will host the plenary session of the "Travel!" tourism forum

RUSSIA EXPO will host the plenary session of the "Travel!" tourism forum
Photo: Alexander Wilf/Photo host-RIA News agency

From June 12 to 16, the International RUSSIA EXPO will host the IV Russian Tourism Forum "Travel!", the central event of which will be the plenary session "International Tourism. Russia and the World", the focus of which will be on international cooperation in the tourism sector. The session will be attended by Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Chernyshenko and Minister of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov.

The plenary session will be held on June 12 from 10:30 to 13:00 in the Large Congress Hall of Pavilion No. 75. Experts will discuss the focus of domestic tourism development and key achievements of the industry, international cooperation in the field of tourism and foreign policy of the state, the expansion of visa-free interaction with friendly countries, tourist logistics, the impact of e-visa on the development of inbound tourism and the experience of international promotion of territories.

Before the plenary session, the award ceremony of the winners of the International Contest of creativity and advertising in the tourism industry "Travel More!" will take place at 10:10. Dmitry Chernyshenko will award the winners.

To attend the business program of the "Travel!" forum it is necessary to register and get a badge.

The International RUSSIA EXPO showcases the country's most significant achievements all in one place. Throughout the duration of the Exposition, guests can enjoy cultural events, a rich business and educational program. Expositions from 89 regions of Russia, leading federal agencies, corporations and public organizations are on display. The RUSSIA EXPO has already been visited by over 15 million people. The International RUSSIA EXPO is being held at VDNH in Moscow from November 4 to July 8.

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