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Kursk Korenskaya Fair Day was held at the RUSSIA EXPO

Kursk Korenskaya Fair Day was held at the RUSSIA EXPO
Expo News
Photo: Sergey Baranov/Press service of the RUSSIA EXPO

On June 25, the Day of Kursk Korenskaya Fair was held at the International RUSSIA EXPO. As part of the business program, numerous meetings and presentations were held, and a number of cooperation agreements were signed. Visitors took part in masterclasses, prize drawings and other interesting activities.   

The Kursk Korenskaya Fair Day at the Exposition started with the guests of the fair going around the goods of Kursk producers presented near the Main Street Stage and in the Department Store space. The inspection was accompanied by a cheerful fair procession of artists performing folk songs in stylized costumes.

Cooperation agreements were signed between the Kursk region, JSC Rosatom Infrastructure Solutions, JSC Russian Auction House, Sovetsky district of Minsk, as well as other significant documents aimed at the development of the region — including its tourism potential.

"The fair is already more than 400 years old, and this year marks the 200th anniversary of its international status. We took another step this year with our partner, the RUSSIA EXPO. Our task is for the whole country to learn about Kursk producers. This morning we have already visited "Podvorye", made our first purchases, and here today we will sign agreements aimed at developing the investment attractiveness of the region, tourism and landscaping. I hope that this will be mutually beneficial for our partners. Development and success to all," said Alexei Smirnov, Acting Governor of Kursk region.

First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Tourism and Tourism Infrastructure Development Nikolai Valuev noted the region's tourism potential.

"Just recently, representatives of our Committee on Tourism came to Kursk region with a field meeting and noted the incredible tourist potential of the region. There is a huge wealth here for both local residents and for those who will come just to see all the beauty that the Kursk land conceals in itself. And above all, of course, it is its heroic history, which immortalizes the memory of our ancestors who won us victory and a peaceful sky above our heads. Today a great number of very important documents will be signed, which will consolidate relations between the government and business and will allow Kursk region to really prosper," Nikolai Valuyev emphasized.

On the day of presentation of the Kursk Korenskaya Fair a large-scale program was prepared for the guests. The visitors got acquainted with the thematic exposition "Nightingales and Iron" dedicated to the tourist route of the same name, took part in games, quizzes, presentations, masterclasses and prize drawings, gladly bought products of Kursk manufacturers with the logo of the 200th anniversary of the Kursk Korenskaya Fair and other goods.

As part of the cultural program for guests, performances were given by the amateur artistic ensemble "Folklore Ensemble 'Larets'", the folk song ensemble "Dubrovushka" and other artists. The thematic day concluded with a vibrant ethno-concert "Firebird", featuring the Governor's Chamber Orchestra of Kursk Region and the folklore ensemble "Noon".

Kursk Korenskaya Fair is an important economic and cultural event for the region. Its holding contributes to the creation of a favorable competitive environment, introduction of innovative technologies, saturation of the consumer market with diverse and high-quality goods, attraction of investments and, as a result, improvement of economic indicators of the regions participating in the Fair. This year, the main fair events will be held on July 5-7 in the village of Svoboda, Zolotukhinsky district, as well as on July 5 at the site of Kursk State Agrarian University.

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