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The fire of the All-Russian Family Hearth was lit at the RUSSIA EXPO

The fire of the All-Russian Family Hearth was lit at the RUSSIA EXPO
Photo: Mikhail Voskresensky/Fotohost-RIA News agency

A ceremony to launch the Year of the Family was held at the RUSSIA EXPO as part of the All-Russian Family Forum Dear - Loved Ones, attended by President VladimirPutin. The highlight of the event was the lighting ceremony of the Heart of Russia All-Russian Family Hearth on the Main Street Stage of the RUSSIA EXPO. Families from all federal districts and new regions gathered here. The fire of the family hearth is already being sent to the regions of the country, where symbolic hearths will be lit from it locally.

The first to receive the flame was the Palace of Marriage on VDNH of the Moscow City Registry Office. The ceremonial transfer of the flame to the regions of the Central Federal District will also take place here.

"Let the fire, which goes to all districts and regions of Russia, bring light, love, and warmth with it. As our President said today, 'because Russia is a family of families'." Such a ceremony was held for the first time in the country, at our Exposition," said Deputy Director General of the ANO «Directorate of the Exhibition of Achievements "Russia"» Anastasia Zvyagina.

On January 24, the flame will fly by airplanes, travel by trains and cars to all federal districts and new regions. In the regions it will be welcomed by the families participating in the Dear - Loved Ones forum and families who registered their marriage at the RUSSIA EXPO, and the location of the future symbolic hearth has already been determined by the regional authorities.

In some subjects the fire of the family hearth will be placed in regional registry offices. In some cases, other sites have been chosen - for example, in the Komi Republic, the hearth will be kept in the regional House of Friendship of Peoples, and in North Ossetia - in the building of the National Museum.

The firefor the All-Russian Family Hearth was brought from the Holy Trinity Monasteryin Murom, the homeland of Saints Peter and Fevronia. It was brought to the Exposition by the Terentyev family - Mikhail and Ekaterina have been married for 25 years and are raising six children. They passed the flame to the Kuznetsov couple from Crimea, who had the honor of lighting the main hearth of the country.

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