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Production increase, neuroprosthetics and innovative lung ventilators: experts discussed the future of the medical devices industry and domestic medical technologies at the RUSSIA EXPO

Production increase, neuroprosthetics and innovative lung ventilators: experts discussed the future of the medical devices industry and domestic medical technologies at the RUSSIA EXPO

Health Day ended at the International RUSSIA EXPO at VDNH. The event was supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and included an expert panel entitled "Russian Technologies in Medicine and the Medical Devices Industry: Challenges and Opportunities". The speakers discussed how companies overcome dependence on imports, outlined the growth areas of the medical devices and consumables market, and talked about the main startups in the Russian medical industry.

At the beginning of the session, panel moderator Denis Gorshkov, TV journalist and columnist for RBC TV channel, drew the audience's attention to the rapid development of technologies in medicine in recent years. The main medical innovations of domestic manufacturers became the central topic of conversation among the experts.

The first speaker was Alexander Drobinin, Commercial Director of Triton-ElektronikS LLC. He spoke about the work of the company producing medical equipment, whose technologies have been introduced into mass medical practice in 89 regions of Russia and more than 40 countries around the world, and also pointed to a positive trend in increasing production within the company: "In 2020, we have increased production extensively - the output of work has increased 5 times. If initially we produced 50 units of equipment, it became about 250 with an average annual demand of 2-2.5 thousand units. Now we single-handedly can fully cover the country's needs".

Pavel Ignatyev, Head of the Department of Medical Devices and Microscopy of JSC PA UOMP, took the floor next. He shared the details of manufacturing neonatal equipment for nursing and treatment of newborns with weight starting from 500 grams, which the company is engaged in. Ignatiev noted that thanks to improvements in domestic medical services and technology, neonatal survival rates have improved fivefold from 1994 to 2023, and gave an update on neonatal equipment supplies in Russia: "In 2023, 750 units of neonatal equipment were supplied to medical institutions. The results we have achieved would not have been possible without cooperation with medical organizations and assistance from the government, including the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation."

Vladimir Anchugin, Director for Sales and Business Development of Ural Instrument Manufacturing Plant JSC (KRET Holding), spoke about the mobile capabilities of domestic lung ventilators. Anchugin drew attention to the challenges faced by the industry during the pandemic: "The experience of COVID showed us that it was necessary to develop a new line of lung ventilators. This is how Mobivent came into being - a line of 5 modern ventilators that have no analogues in our country".

Andrey Davidyuk, CEO of MOTORICA LLC, transported the audience to the near future and spoke about the prospects of neuroprosthetics practice implementation, as well as the development of the Internet of bodies. Davidyuk noted that modern prosthetics "significantly improve and simplify life," and pointed to their gradual transformation into convenient gadgets.

At the end of the panel, Andrei Vaimer, Deputy Director General of Hirana+ LLC, summarized the conversation by assessing the consequences of sanctions restrictions and technology deficit in terms of development and production of medical equipment in Russia: "The medical industry in Russia has faced some difficulties recently. But in our country, all difficulties have brought production and manufacturers to a new level. On the example of our enterprise, you can see how we produce goods that are not inferior to the global ones in terms of their technical characteristics. And we also create our own products that surpass the global analogs".

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