Yuma the Baby Seal and Drakonich: kind fairy tales for children presented at the Exposition
"The Big Book of Fairy Tales. 89 Fairy Tale Characters
of Russia" is a book that collects unique heroes from all over the
country — from Donetsk People's Republic to Kamchatka. The work contains
coloring sheets, stickers and puzzles — they will help young readers better
learn the characteristics of the peoples of Russia and understand what unites
all the inhabitants of a large country.
This and other modern good books for children were presented
at the RUSSIA EXPO. They were presented by Vladek Darman, head of the Red
Square publishing house, and Marina Yakovleva, Merited Artist of Russia.
"Since ancient times fairy tales have been a tool for
the transfer of knowledge and experience of generations. This is how parents
explained to children the essence of good and evil, taught them to be friends
and help. The main feature of the books is that the characters traditional for
different peoples and regions of Russia are presented in the context of modern
times. They live in the same world as our young readers. Therefore, it will be
easy for kids from any corner of the country to find in these kind stories
heroes for imitation and book friends," said Vladek Darman.
The Exposition presents two more unique projects. One of
them allows Siberian legends to come to life on the pages of the book
"Tales of Baikal. How Mother Ailu put Yuma the Baby Seal to Sleep".
This book continues the famous movie "Baikal. The Amazing Adventures of
Yuma" about the seal's journey to the Ushkan Islands. The book is filled
with parental love and family values.
"For me and my family, the Baikal tales play a crucial
role. When I was a little girl, my mother used to tell me legends about the
sacred lake. Then I told the same legends to my children and now to my
grandson. This book was a discovery for me and allowed me to reconnect to the
tales of my small homeland," shared Marina Yakovleva after reading to the
guests of the presentation an excerpt of the fairy tale.
The third presented book was "Drakonich: One Head is
Good, and Three is Better". The collection contains ten instructive fairy
tales about Drakonich. He has three heads, each of them with its own
personality and corresponding names — Sturdy, Funny and Clever. Drakonich lives
the same life as all children: celebrates his birthday, goes to school, makes
friends and gets into different situations. The book teaches friendship, help
and the most important things in life.
You can buy books in Pavilion No. 75. The RUSSIA EXPO is
open from 10:00 to 21:00 from Tuesday to Thursday and from 10:00 to 22:00 from
Friday to Sunday. Monday is a technical day.
The first event to be held at the Russia National Centre, which is being established by the order of President Vladimir Putin, will be the International Science Fiction Symposium and Exhibition "Inventing the Future". The symposium will take place from November 4 to 6.
Tomorrow, the International RUSSIA EXPO will conclude its work. From November 2023 to July 2024, it was visited by more than 18 million guests.
Every day, for eight months, the RUSSIA EXPO delighted guests and gave unforgettable emotions.