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The flame of the All-Russian Family Hearth from the RUSSIA EXPO was delivered to all regions of the country

The flame of the All-Russian Family Hearth from the RUSSIA EXPO was delivered to all regions of the country
Photo: Mikhail Voskresensky/RIA News

The last region to receive the flame of the All-Russian Family Hearth was the Nenets Autonomous Area. This was reported by the Deputy Director General of the ANO «Directorate of the Exhibition of Achievements "Russia"» Anastasia Zvyagina.

Vladimir and Tatiana Popov's family was the first to light the fire of their family hearth in NAA. The couple has been married for more than 30 years. Vladimir and Tatiana raised two children - Roman and Anna, and in 2013 became foster parents - now there are six children from the Center for Assistance to Family Fostering "Our House" happily living in the family. In 2018, the Popov family received the title "Family of the Year".

"In many regions, it has already become a tradition to pass the fire of the family hearth "Heart of Russia" to newlyweds in the registry office. Next, this fire will spread to municipalities, towns and villages, registry offices and wedding palaces, so that every family could receive the fire of the All-Russian Family Hearth - a symbol of family, love and fidelity," said Anastasia Zvyagina.

 The family hearth "Heart of Russia" was solemnly lit at the Exposition on January 23 during the All-Russian Forum "Dear - Loved Ones", where President Vladimir Putin announced the start of the Year of Family in our country.

 The President then noted that family values are the very thing that unites our society, and Russia is a family of families. "In our country people of different nationalities have lived in peace and harmony for centuries, and the diversity of their cultures, languages, customs does not divide, no, but, on the contrary, unites Russia," Vladimir Putin said then.

Photo: Kristina Kormilitsyna/RIA News

Families from all corners of our country - from all federal districts and new regions - took part in the solemn ceremony of lighting the "Heart of Russia". Many couples who participated in the ceremony joined their hearts at the RUSSIA EXPO.

The fire for the "Heart of Russia" family hearth was brought from Murom, the birthplace of Saints Peter and Fevronia. It was delivered to the Exposition by the Terentyev family - Mikhail and Ekaterina have been married for 25 years and are raising six children. The main hearth of the country was lit by the Kuznetsov family from Crimea, who recently celebrated their Ruby wedding - 40 years of life together.

From the family hearth the fire was lit in 12 icon-lamps, which went to eight federal districts, Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. From the federal districts the fire spread to all regions of our country.

As Anastasia Zvyagina pointed out, the total distance, which the fire traveled across the country, is over 154 thousand kilometers - it is nearly four times around the Earth on the equator. The fire was delivered by airplanes, trains and cars.

Some of the most remote cities from the capital, to which parts of the "Heart of Russia" flame were delivered, were Anadyr (Chukotka Autonomous Area), Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (Kamchatka region), Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (Sakhalin region) and Vladivostok (Primorye region). The westernmost point in Russia where the flame was welcomed was the city of Baltiysk in the Kaliningrad region, and the southernmost was the city of Makhachkala in the Republic of Dagestan.

"I would like to express my immense gratitude to all the regions that organized bright and memorable ceremonies of handing over the flame. For example, in Vologda the newlyweds received the flame during the ceremony with a Russian troika. In the Komi Republic, the couple from the Novgorod region, who brought the flame, were dressed up and welcomed as a prince and princess. In the Tambov region, the flame was received by a family of boxers - Elena Kuzicheva and Alexei Gukin, who got married according to regional traditions here at the RUSSIA EXPO. In Volgograd and Syktyvkar they appointed special caretakers who make sure that the fire does not go out," said Anastasia Zvyagina.

Photo: Ramil Sitdikov/RIA News

She also reminded that the families of the special military operation soldiers were active participants of the "Dear - Loved Ones" forum and the ceremonies in the regions. On February 24, a wedding ceremony of volunteer participants of the SMO took place at the RUSSIA EXPO, during which a lamp with fire was handed over to the young people. This family of heroes took it with them to the SMO zone.

Over the time of the exposition, 56 couples have joined their hearts here, but this is not the limit - applications from those wishing to start a family at the RUSSIA EXPO continue to come in. "We will hold the first All-Russian Wedding Festival. Its start will be on May 12 - Krasnaya Gorka day (Beautiful Mountain day). Traditionally, this day is considered the beginning of the wedding season. Only on the first day of the festival more than 100 couples from all regions will get married at the Exposition. This way we will show the richness and unity of cultures of the peoples of our big country," said Anastasia Zvyagina.

The All-Russian Wedding Festival at the RUSSIA EXPO will be held for a week - from May 12 to May 19. During these days there will also be weddings of couples from federal districts, as well as many masterclasses and lectures.

 At the same time, the RUSSIA EXPO has become a popular place for family pastime: whole dynasties come here - from the youngest to the oldest. And everyone can find something to do according to their taste, to their interests, says Anastasia Zvyagina.

"The Exposition is also becoming one of the most popular romantic places in Moscow and Russia. Dates are set here, couples get acquainted. The RUSSIA EXPO has everything to spend unforgettable time together: there are different expositions and activities in which you can participate together - for example, you can play board games at the stands of regions, watch a movie in the House of Cinema, have dinner in the House of Russian Cuisine, walk around the evening VDNH," she said.

"Just a week ago we witnessed a very touching moment, when a volunteer of student squads asked his beloved to marry him on the Main Street Stage right during the concert, in front of all the spectators," Anastasia Zvyagina added.

The International RUSSIA EXPO is the most important achievements of the country gathered in one place. Visitors are presented expositions of 89 regions of Russia, leading federal departments, corporations and public organizations. The Exposition is open until July 8, which is the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

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