Inventing the Future

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A student proposed to his beloved on the Main Stage of the RUSSIA EXPO

A student proposed to his beloved on the Main Stage of the RUSSIA EXPO
Photo: Provided by the Press Office of the RUSSIA EXPO

During the opening of the Day of Russian Student Squads, one of the members of the RSS movement Arsen Ortabaev proposed to his beloved Angelina Shibaeva on the Main Stage of the exposition.

"I was very scared to propose to Angelina right on the stage, because I didn't know how she would react to it. But now I know her answer and I am very happy," Arsen Ortabaev shared his emotions.

The proposal was an unexpected event both for Angelina and for all the audience, as well as for singer Olga Shevchenko (Olya Shelby), who was performing on stage at that moment.

Arsen Ortabaev and Angelina Shibaeva met in 2022. As it turned out, they lived in the same house, but did not know it. Arsen is a leader of a pedagogical detachment from the Moscow region. When young people began to date, the girl also became part of the RSS. The couple say that it is possible that their marriage will also be officially registered right at the RUSSIA EXPO.

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