"Mut omettu" project takes the lead among Magadan achievements
The Magadan region introduces its projects to Russians on the portal "Achievements.RF". Residents of the region can vote for their favorite projects there.
The portal "Achievements.RF" was launched in preparation for the International RUSSIA EXPO. All Russian regions presented their key projects there. The Magadan region also put 11 candidates up for voting.
Now the first place is occupied by the handicraft project "Mut omettu" ("We are together"). Its task is to involve as many people as possible, regardless of age and status, in preserving the culture of the small-numbered peoples of the North. In second place is a new plant for processing fish oil, which is unique for its increased concentration of Omega-3. The third place is currently occupied by the folklore ethnic project "Hebdenek", aimed at preserving and reviving folk traditions of the inhabitants of the North-East and the Arctic.
In addition, residents can support a unique project — the festival "Prospector’s Luck". This is Russia’s only gold panning competition, the main prize is one million rubles. The region is also conducting an experiment on resettlement of Arctic musk oxen to Kolyma. You can also vote for the southernmost population of musk oxen.
As a reminder, the International RUSSIA EXPO will be held at the VDNH from November 4, 2023 to April 12, 2024. For each subject the Day of the Region is set, for Magadan region it is November 14.
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